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Output Checkstyle XML reports of stylelint results
Simple Checkstyle data formatter
Library reporting tsc output in checkstyle format
Output Checkstyle XML reports of stylelint results
gulp-tslint checkstyle reporter, to be used by Jenkins (Hudson). Writes output to an xml file.
A checkstyle reporter for TSLint
A JSHint reporter to be used with gulp-jshint that will provide XML (i.e. checkstyle and junit), that can be used by CI tools such as jenkins
lesshint checkstyle reporter for gulp.
Tools for automating tasks on bitbucket
JSHint checkstyle reporter which outputs to the stream
JSHint checkstyle reporter which outputs to a file
Extension Pack for an Atomist SDM to integrate Checkstyle
Advanced reporter for gulp-jshint and gulp-jscs to be used by Jenkins (Hudson). Writes output to an xml file.
Checkstyle reporter for lesshint.
Converts flow json output into checkstyle xml
gulp-htmlhint checkstyle file reporter
JSHint checkstyle file reporter
gulp-stylelint reporter that writes stylelint results to xml file in checkstyle plugin format
Checkstyle-compatible formatter for the Node Security Project
Checkstyle-compatible reporter for the Node Security Project