Search results
40 packages found
Business logic with ease
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
- effect
- functional
React bindings for effector
- react
- hooks
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
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Vue bindings for effector
- vue
- composition api
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
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Business logic middleware for redux.
Simple RBAC checker with support for context checks.
react-ghost - it is logic/biseness layer, actors and workers
Svelte bindings for effector
UI engine for web
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
- effect
- functional
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react-ebind - it is logic/business layer, actors and workers
SolidJS bindings for effector
- solid
- solid-js
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
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Restarfall is a JavaScript library for creating business logic and data management.
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- data management
- state manager
- model
- reactive
- state
- event
- store
- component
- unit
Business logic helper clasess.
Simple RBAC checker with support for context checks.
Restarfall-react is a JavaScript library for connect restarfall and react.
- react
- hooks
- context
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- data management
- state manager
- model
- reactive
- state
- event
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Simple RBAC checker with support for context checks.
Restarfall-utils is a JavaScript library utils for restarfall library.
- react
- hooks
- context
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- data management
- state manager
- model
- reactive
- state
- event
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State management module for JS and TS.
Javascript rules engine
Hoje é um dia útil? Qual é o próximo dia útil? Pequena lógica para determinar o próximo (ou se hoje é) dia útil considerando fériados nacionais (móveis ou não).