Search results
38 packages found
Get the default browser
Get bundle name from a bundle identifier (macOS): `` → `Safari`
Get the bundle identifier of the default browser (macOS). Example:
Get metadata about the active window and open windows (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window and open windows (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
active-win without permissions
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get metadata about the active window.
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Get the default browser
Get bundle identifier from a bundle name (macOS): `Safari` → ``
Get metadata about the active window (URL, title, id, bounds, owner, etc). Works on macOS.
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc). Works on macOS, Linux, Windows.
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc). Works on macOS, Linux, Windows.
Get metadata about the active window (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc). Works on macOS, Linux, Windows.