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A simple client library for Bullhorn
> Command line interface for Bullhorn and Bullhorn Extensions
Bullhorn (OAuth) authentication strategy for Passport
A library for building gadget-based applications.
Bullhorns's ESLint config, following our styleguide
Grab podcast platform's subscribe link.
- apple
- bullhorn
- castbox
- castro
- overcast
- player
- pocketcasts
- podbean
- podcastaddict
- podcastguru
- podfriend
- podknife
- radiopublic
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Bullhorn API
Bullhorn client
A library to simplify M2M and non-interactive authentication with the Bullhorn API
web components
web components
> Command line interface for Bullhorn and Bullhorn Extensions
Parses vaco excel reports for a quick peak at total hours worked.
web components
Gatsby source plugin for pulling JobOrders from Bullhorn
web components
web components
An opinionated ESLint rules from Github used by Bullhorn.