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106 packages found
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WebdriverIO and BrowserStack App Automate
A client for working with the BrowserStack APIs.
WebdriverIO service for better Browserstack integration
A WebdriverIO plugin which enables BrowserStack reports on CI servers
Easy to use Node.js based end-to-end testing solution for web applications using the W3C WebDriver API.
- nightwatch
- nightwatchjs
- selenium
- testing
- webdriver
- browserstack
- end-to-end
- automated-testing
- e2e
- component
- integration
- test
- browser
- mobile
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A Karma plugin. Launch any browser on BrowserStack!
TypeScript abstract base class to easily create mocha tests with browserstack automate (selenium). Only to be used for writing mocha tests in TypeScript.
Browserstack Publisher for Codecept JS tests
Testing with karma using browserstack following open-wc recommendations
Automate client-side unit testing in real browsers using the cli
Cross-browser testing with BrowserStack
Browserstack TestCafe browser provider plugin.
Leadfoot. A JavaScript client library that brings cross-platform consistency to the Selenium WebDriver API.
Leadfoot. A JavaScript client library that brings cross-platform consistency to the Selenium WebDriver API.
Dig Dug. A simple abstraction library for downloading and launching WebDriver service tunnels.
WebdriverIO service for better Browserstack integration
Run selenium tests on BrowserStack using our node.js integration.
- browserstack
- browserstack-node
- browserstack integration
- browserstack automate
- selenium
- browserstack selenium
You can launch browsers! From NodeJS! Local ones! Remote ones! Browserstack ones!
Browserstack launcher for Web Test Runner
Dig Dug. A simple abstraction library for downloading and launching WebDriver service tunnels.