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110 packages found
Easy to use Node.js based end-to-end testing solution for web applications using the W3C WebDriver API.
- nightwatch
- nightwatchjs
- selenium
- testing
- webdriver
- browserstack
- end-to-end
- automated-testing
- e2e
- component
- integration
- test
- browser
- mobile
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A Karma plugin. Launch any browser on BrowserStack!
Nodejs bindings for BrowserStack Local
BrowserStack APIs client library for node.js
Browserstack Publisher for Codecept JS tests
Reportportal helper for Codecept JS tests
Browserstack TestCafe browser provider plugin.
WebdriverIO service for better Browserstack integration
Cross-browser testing with BrowserStack
Dig Dug. A simple abstraction library for downloading and launching WebDriver service tunnels.
Package to generate a build report and project summary report for Percy, BrowserStack's visual testing platform
Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package supporting UI testing in browsers
Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package supporting UI testing in mobile apps with support for BrowserStack, Sauce Labs and Local Appium
A Node.js wrapper for the BrowserStack java tunnel client
A client for working with the BrowserStack APIs.
Browserstack launcher for Web Test Runner
WebdriverIO and BrowserStack App Automate
Automated Robotic Virutal Machine (ARVM) is an automatic virtual machine which allows the user to enter a virtual machine in any specified operating system (Windows, Mac, BestOS) using JavaScript.
Testing with karma using browserstack following open-wc recommendations