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253 packages found
Primitives for media query and device features
Reactive screen size and media query states for Vue. Integrates with most UI frameworks out of the box.
Contains components and utilities related to Terra's supported responsive breakpoints
Simple and powerful css breakpoints for styled-components and emotion
- media
- query
- media-query
- media-queries
- styled
- react
- javascript
- css-in-js
- breakpoint
- breakpoints
- css-in-react
- typescript
- styled-media-query
- styled media query
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MarqueeContent provides a set of tools for creating dynamic and adaptive ticker animations on web pages using GSAP and ScrollTrigger.
- marquee
- scroller
- animation
- ticker
- reel
- running text
- scrolling text
- ui
- custom
- clones
- filler
- css
- effects
- gsap
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Show Tailwind CSS Breakpoints in Nuxt 3
MediaTrigger is designed to control the response to changes in media queries, allowing you to perform specific actions when entering or exiting a particular media state, or any change to a media state.
- media
- queries
- events
- trigger
- check
- responsive
- query
- javascript
- typescript
- frontend
- matchMedia
- breakpoints
- css
- web-development
The window, not Windows.
Responsive sass mixins
A powerful library for responsive CSS styles in Angular applications.
- css
- jss
- responsive
- styles
- angular
- angular-library
- css-in-js
- styling
- web-design
- mobile-first
- breakpoints
- adaptive
- web-development
- ui
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ngbracket/ngx-layout =======
Define responsive breakpoints, which can fire JS callbacks; optionally apply CSS classes to designated elements.
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Create column layouts with SolidJS
## This is an attempt to port @angular/flex-layout to provide support after EOL
Custom hooks to use breakpoints for React 🎐🔨
- breakpoint
- breakpoints
- kdnj
- kodingdotninja
- react
- tailwind
- tailwind-breakpoint
- tailwind-breakpoints
- tailwindcss
- use-tailwind-breakpoint
- use-tailwind-breakpoints
This is a package with use-request implementation
Nuxt breakpoints module
- nuxt
- module
- viewport
- breakpoints
- nuxt-breakpoints
- nuxt3-breakpoints
- mq
- media
- query
- queries
- media query
- media queries
Library for easy scss
manage break points based on each components, not screen size. It can do samething with container query in CSS, or even more!