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Framework allowing developers to write bots that are agnostic with respect to the channel used by their users (messenger, telegram etc...)
The Facebook Messenger Botmaster integration
botmaster for node-red
The Botmaster integration
test utility for end to end testing with botmaster
Fixtures to be used in botmaster package tests
The Botmaster integration
command line interface for botmaster. Enables developers to create templated botmaster projects using the preferred architecture. Also comes with a console botmaster client (using to make it easy to test out your bot
botmaster session ware for storing context
The telegram integration for Botmaster
Botmaster middleware for Watson Conversation
The Facebook Messenger Botmaster integration
Botmaster plugin for Zendesk
The integration of Twitter DM with Botmaster module
standard botmaster session ware for context
The Slack integration
Redis store adapter for the botmaster session ware
The Twitter (Direct Messaging) Botmaster integration