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19 packages found
Persistence provides a pretty easy API to handle Storage's implementations.
Download bilibili videos;B站视频下载;支持新版BV号;支持分P及一键多P下载;支持多质量选择;
Delightful library bundler.
A component to flip elements with a nice transition.
- vue-flipper
- vue-flip
- flipper
- flip
- vue-component
- vue
- flip-animation
- animation
- transition
- bem-methodology
- stylus
- bili
Apply interceptors to `fetch` and create a custom request function.
- fetch
- interceptors
- typescript
- javascript
- bili
- fetch-api
- request
- intercept-fetch
- http-client
- https-client
- whatwg-fetch
- promise
- request-promise
- async
vue2.x UI components most components-UI copied from
Apply interceptors in `fetch` to create a custom request functions.
- fetch
- interceptors
- typescript
- javascript
- bili
- fetch-api
- request
- intercept-fetch
- http-client
- https-client
- whatwg-fetch
- promise
- request-promise
- async
A Vue burger button as functional component, which is faster than a regular component, and is pretty small (JS min+gzip is lower than 700b and CSS min+gzip is lower than 400b).
- vue-burger-button
- burger-button
- burger
- vue-hamburger-button
- hamburger-button
- hamburger
- vue-burger-menu
- burger-menu
- vue-hamburger-menu
- hamburger-menu
- vue-menu
- menu
- vue-button
- vue-component
- View more
- maybe
- maybe-type
- maybe-monad
- optional
- optional-type
- optional-typing
- functional-programming
- functional
- fp
- type-safety
- type-safe
- typescript
- bili
- ava
Vitural Sidekick