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Deploys a AWS Bastion Host preconfigured for Tailscale access
assets for bastion
The heart and soul of the Bastion bot.
Run remote commands over a pool of server using SSH. This version allows proxies/bastions/jump servers
This package adds support for bastion or jump hosts to the shipit deploy tasks
Schema for Module Fragment of type Stackery::Open::Bastion::MODULE
- cdk
- awscdk
- aws-cdk
- cloudformation
- cfn
- extensions
- constructs
- cfn-resources
- cloudformation-registry
- l1
- stackery
- open
- bastion
- module
This package adds support for running tasks only on certain hosts in the server list
Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Linux::Bastion::MODULE
- cdk
- awscdk
- aws-cdk
- cloudformation
- cfn
- extensions
- constructs
- cfn-resources
- cloudformation-registry
- l1
- jfrog
- linux
- bastion
- module
Discover the world of Pocketnet (Bastion) for your projects!
A CLI tool to easily SSH into an ECS container using SSM Session Manager.
SSH direct connection and through optional bastion/jump host. It has embedded ssh-agent for bastion/jump connections.
Configure a bastion host in your ~/.ssh/config
assets for bastion
ssh tunneling companion