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41 packages found
A highly opinionated, simplistic Backbone.Router coupled with a Backbone.Radio.Channel
A collection of opinionated Backbone.Marionette extensions for large scale application architecture.
Cheap and easy. Client-side micro-framework with heavy inspiration from Angular and Backbone.
Adds a moment.js getter/setter to Backbone.Model
BAT, the Backbone Application Template; a Yeoman generator collection created by marviq
- backbone
- backbonejs
- browserify
- coffee-script
- coffeescript
- compass
- generator
- handlebars
- jasmine
- karma
- sass
- yeoman
- yeoman-generator
- yuidoc
BView implements BackboneJS View
Backbone Model properties decorator
ExpressJS Middleware for AjaxSnapshots
a single spa plugin for backbone.js apps
Infects Backbone with immutability for Model#attributes and Collection#models
A Flux dispatcher for using with Backbone
Load and inline SVG images into Backbone Marionette views
Bootstrap and Backbone.js starter web app template.
Create and manage reusable components in Marionette.js
Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Backbone
A boilerplate using backbonejs with es6+sass+browserify+gulp
BackboneJS compatibility layer for the Type-R
Simple web application that presents a list of users
Webapp to track and manage personal finances
- finance
- financial
- single page
- single page application
- application
- saas
- api
- currency
- economy
- ukrainian
- russian
- backbonejs
- restify
Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections