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🔖 Generates 1D, 2D, and composite barcodes in png, svg, or eps formats. Supports 50+ symbologies.
Generate barcodes natively in React Native with the ZXing library underhood!
- react-native
- expo
- zebra-striped
- ZebraStriped
- barcode
- barcodes
- bar code
- generator
- typescript
- qrcode
- qr
- code-128
- code-39
- code-93
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Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK React Native Plugin for Android and iOS
- scanbot
- sdk
- barcode
- qr-code
- react-native
- barcode-scanner
- Qrcode-scanner
- scanner
- scan
- scanning
- 1d barcode
- 2d barcode
- ean
- upc
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Generates Aztec barcodes.
Generates barcodes for React.
- barcode
- generator
- bakery
- barcodebakery
- codabar
- code11
- code39
- code39extended
- code93
- code128
- ean-8
- ean-13
- isbn
- i25
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Decompress with NRV2E algorithm
Vite plugin for Aztec
Main AZTEC smart contract repository
AZTEC client side library library
A node addon to perform barcode recognition and analysis
- barcode
- barcodes
- scanner
- reader
- decode
- decoder
- postal
- accusoft
- add2
- add5
- airline 2 of 5
- australian post 4-state
- aztec
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Hardhat plugin for Noir language
Decode Polish Vehicle Registration Certificate Aztec 2D barcode data
lightweight npm package that facilitates barcode generation and detection. It leverages the Barcode Detection API for barcode scanning directly in web browsers and provides an intuitive interface for generating various barcode formats. Seamlessly integrat
- barcode
- scanner
- detection
- barcode-detection
- web-api
- browser
- data-matrix
- ean-13
- ean-8
- qr-code
- code-128
- code-39
- upc-a
- upc-e
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Easy-to-use React component for detecting barcodes
Smart contract compilation artifacts for the latest version of AZTEC.
Hardhat plugin for Noir + Barretenberg projects
Dev utils library for AZTEC packages
Addresses of deployed AZTEC contracts on Ethereum mainnet and testnets
Barcode Generator for Angular 1 (Supports 90+ barcode types: qr, aztec, code128, ean, isbn, interleaved2of5, ...)
Experimental command line tool for interacting with Aztec.