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2860 packages found
DynamoDB data mapper for node.js
A node js module for accessing Amazon DynamoDB
AWS SDK for JavaScript
CDK-based library for writing elegant integration tests on AWS serverless architecture and an additional web console to monitor events in real time.
A library to more easily create and interact with multiple entities and heretical relationships in dynamodb
Scan large DynamoDB tables faster with parallelism
Functions to mock the JavaScript aws-sdk
Lightweight and type-safe query builder for DynamoDB and TypeScript.
A DynamoDB library that extends aws-sdk with bulk read/write, events, streams, and more
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- rm -fr
- url
- sharedarraybuffer
- symbol
- width
- aws
- eventDispatcher
- fs
- graphql
- ascii
- 256
- mkdirs
- WeakSet
- airbnb
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A collection of converter functions to get good old JavaScript key/value objects into a DynamoDB friendly schema and back again.
A seeder for dynamodb tables
A wrapper around Amazon's DynamoDB Local to start and stop it from Node.js.
DynamoDB middleware for the middy framework
Runtime utility library for Functional Web Apps (FWAs) built with Architect (
Parse and normalize AWS events middleware for the middy framework
Begin Data is a durable and fast key/value document store built on top of DynamoDB
Dynamodb local plugin for devops
DynamoDB OneTable Migration Library