Search results
17 packages found
Search in your local music library using quick filters on metadata tags
React/NextJS audio player for your music, with custom controls, playlist, filters, and search functionality.
Audio waveform breeding with neuro-evolution of pattern producing networks and quality diversity search.
A Node.js/ts package for finding and retrieving YouTube downloader, audio, and images using various search methods.
Create easily readable streams from YouTube video url's
Download videos from platforms like Facebook or YouTube and perform text translations into multiple languages
- fy-downloader-new
- facebook-download
- fb-download
- youtube-download
- yt-download
- extraction
- translate
- google-translate
- video
- audio
- MP4
- MP3
- information
- data
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A package which allows you to create streams and get information about SoundCloud tracks and playlists
Command-line interface to neuro-evolution of pattern producing networks and audio signal paths for audio waveform breeding with quality diversity search.
Download videos and get info on them aswell as searching and other features.
- scrapper
- youtube
- audio
- livestream
- youtube-scrapper
- discord bots
- discord
- resources
- stream
- search
- yt-scrapper
- yt-sc
- music
- bots
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a media library (indexer and search/browse api)
Spotify module to search and add songs to playlist
YouTube Downloader
- youtube
- youtube-downloader
- ytdl-core
- yt-search
- yt
- audio
- youtube-dl
- youtube-search
- node-tube-dl
- downloader
- flac
- mp3
Search for Friendly Audio Streaming Protocol receivers in the local network.
A little YouTube API + Downloader
Search and stream music from Hype Machine!
Walks through a folder searching for audio files. Once an audio file is found, metadata can be found with either a local .json file containing all the metadata in json format or will use Spotify's public API to attempt to fill in the missing metadata.
Fetch covers from Amazons search results