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attrs plugin for MarkdownIt
Markdown enhancement plugin for vuepress
- vuepress
- vuepress2
- vuepress-plugin
- align
- attrs
- chart
- container
- demo
- echarts
- flowchart
- footnote
- gfm
- include
- mark
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Parsing and tokenizing attributes string
Write shorthand data attribute selectors in CSS
Attributes and styles as object for D3-selection
The sorting attribute of the tag based on the given order
remark plugin to support attributes like markdown-it-attrs
Pickers and other helper functions used to filter standard HTML attribute values from an object
Colon Attribute Markup Lanugage -- a YAML-like markup syntax for (semantic) attributes in markdown.
- attr
- attrs
- attribute
- attributes
- caml
- colon
- colon attribute markup language
- markup
- metadata
- properties
- property
- wikiattr
- wikiattrs
- wikibonsai
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Set a group of element's attribute or client rect value to that of another element's value
Trait is a smart attribute manager. Not traits in ruby, just because good names are already taken and even not used.
A collection of plug-ins that extend the Markdown-it parser.
Converts a `micromark` token stream into an `mdast` syntax tree.
- attr
- attrs
- attribute
- attributes
- caml
- colon
- markdown
- markup
- mdast
- metadata
- micromark
- micromark-plugin
- micromark-extension
- properties
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An object attributes inspect tool.
Target attributes beginning with a certain value in a space separated list in CSS
Simple class switcher on web elements. JavaScript only.
A list of all possible html attributes
jQuery plugin for getting attributes from jQuery collections.
Spec tests for caml (Colon Attribute Markup Lanugage)
- attr
- attrs
- attribute
- attributes
- caml
- colon
- colon attribute markup language
- markup
- metadata
- properties
- property
- spec
- specification
- test
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移动setup script标签上的属性到一个新的script标签内导出