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18 packages found
One foundation for multiple applications.
The Athenna CLI application. Built on top of commander and inspired in @adonisjs/ace.
The Athenna logging solution. Log in stdout, files and buckets.
The Athenna template engine. Built on top of Edge.js.
The Athenna common helpers to use in any Node.js ESM project.
Cache and handle environment variables and config files of Athenna.
Global Ioc helper for Athenna ecosystem. Built on top of awilix.
The Athenna Http server. Built on top of fastify.
- fastify
- router
- cors
- ctx
- helmet
- swagger
- exception-handling
- rate-limiting
- middlewares
- terminators
- interceptors
- http-server
- athenna
- esm
Athenna CLI to create new Athenna projects.
The Athenna email handler. Built on top of nodemailer.
Athenna scheduler application. Built on top of node-cron.
The Athenna validation solution. Built on top of VineJS.
The Athenna database handler for SQL/NoSQL.
The Athenna test runner. Built on top of Japa.
Exports the base TypeScript configuration for Athena applications and packages.