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Encode FormData content into the multipart/form-data format
A tiny, zero-dependency yet spec-compliant asynchronous iterator polyfill/ponyfill for ReadableStreams.
- stream
- web-streams
- readablestream
- async
- asynchronous
- iterator
- iteration
- async-iterator
- polyfill
- esm
- from-iterable
Convert event emitters and event targets to ES async iterators
Composable functional (async) iterable helpers
fs.readdir with sync, async, streaming, and async iterator APIs + filtering, recursion, absolute paths, etc.
- fs
- readdir
- async
- promise
- iterator
- generator
- async-iterator
- stream
- event
- event-emitter
- recursive
- deep
- walk
- crawl
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An async iterator that joins multiple other async iterators in order, one after another.
- mutlistream
- multi-stream
- multi-asnyc-iterator
- join-async-iterator
- queue-asnyc-iterator
- merge-async-iterator
- iterator
- async
- async-iterator
- stream
- node-stream
ES async interator wrapper for node streams
Treat EventEmitter-like object using Async/Await, Async Iterator.
Encode FormData content into the multipart/form-data format. This is a fork of octet-stream/form-data-encoder, but with CommonJS support.
fs.readdir with sync, async, streaming, and async iterator APIs + filtering, recursion, absolute paths, etc.
- fs
- readdir
- async
- promise
- iterator
- generator
- async-iterator
- stream
- event
- event-emitter
- recursive
- deep
- walk
- crawl
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Read text file (remote over HTTP(S) or local) line by line as async iterator, with Node, browsers and Deno
Protocol Buffers length-prefixed async-iterator encoder/decoder
Extended itertools port for TypeScript and JavaScript. Provides a huge set of functions for working with iterable collections (including async ones)
- itertools
- itertool
- async-itertools
- async-itertool
- itertools-library
- itertools-lib
- iterable
- iterator
- iteration
- generator
- async-iterable
- async-iterator
- async-iteration
- async-generator
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The magic of JavaScript async iterators in React ⛓️ 🧬 🔃
- reactjs
- react
- react-hooks
- iterator
- iterable
- async-generator
- async-iterable
- async-iterator
- async-iterable-utility
- async-iterator-hooks
- async-iterator-component
- for-await-of
- async-await
- lazy
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Concurrent union
Convert any callback-based sequence of values into a full-fledged async iterable
- callbacks-promises-async-await
- iterable
- iterator
- async-generator
- async-iterable
- async-iterator
- async-iterable-utility
- promise
- for-await-of
- async-channels
- async-await
- callbacks
- lazy
- disposable
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Sugary iteration utilities and interfaces.
- iteration
- iterator
- iterators
- iterable
- iterables
- async-iterator
- async-iteration
- async-iterable
- iter
- iterate
- for in
- for-in
- for of
- for-of
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Read text file (remote over HTTP(S) or local) line by line as async iterator, with Node, browsers and Deno
Encode FormData content into the multipart/form-data format
A versatile library for working with iterators and asynchronous iterators in JavaScript. It provides powerful methods for processing, filtering, combining, and transforming data, and even allows the creation of iterators from non-iterable objects.