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midway async hooks context manager
Node request context let you save any context per request and easily retrieve it
Persistent execution context allowing you to get/set the context anywhere implemented using async hooks. Can be used to create request level execution context, a stack trace that persists through async resources, or anything else you need to survive the e
0-Deps, simple and fast context library for NodeJS
async hooks context storage
Globally accessible processing context based on async_hooks
A rewritten version of @wilsonlewis' require-context package that utilizes modern technologies.
Context manager for Express routing lib
Is a Node.js package that allows you to create asynchronous local storage for managing context that is scoped to the duration of an asynchronous operation.
Asynchronous context for functional style programming
The next generation of events handling for javascript! New: abstract away the network!
simple context management using JavaScript. It allows you to create contexts, bind values to keys within those contexts, and retrieve those values within a handler function.
- context-async-hooks
- async-hooks
- context-manager
- ctx
- create-context
- Context Manager
- javascript
- js
- context
- javascript context manager
- nodejs
- async
- async hooks
- context manager async hooks
Crowlog async context plugin.
Dead simple context manager for Nodejs
Flow: Track asynchronous application flow and access flow context variables
Tiny, dependency free promisify library.
- promise
- promisify
- promisify-all
- promisify-some
- promisify-except
- then
- thenify
- thenify-all
- thenify-some
- thenify-except
- callback
- cb
- fulfill
- wrap
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Generic browser priority queue.
async context
Async storage for context
Tiny, type-safe, JavaScript-native `context` implementation