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Find [nd-]array min/max values
Quickest Way to get the Minimum Value of an Array of Numbers (Typed or Untyped)
Computes the minimum value of an array.
`Array#forEach()` but it’s possible to define where to move to next
Finds smallest value.
Normalize array (possibly n-dimensional) to zero mean and unit variance
Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
- promise
- locate
- find
- finder
- search
- searcher
- test
- array
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- race
- fulfilled
- fastest
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Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths
Get the native type of a value.
Array#isArray for older browsers
Compute the minimum and maximum linear indices in an underlying data buffer which are accessible to an array view.
User-friendly glob matching
Determines if an object can be used as an array
Tiny queue data structure
Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`
Returns true if a value is a plain object, array or function. is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is the recommended base library for, LiveScript.
Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support
Return the minimum accessible index based on a set of provided strided array parameters.
Run an array of functions in parallel