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Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
Parse APT's key-value files and retrieve all the values as a Map
Pure javascript implementation of the dpkg --compare-versions functionality
Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
Ledger Hardware Wallet Aptos Application API
APT CLI - Used to parse the DEB package dependency tree.
Multi-platform implementation of dpkg
Setup apt packages and repositories in Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions
- setup
- apt
- apt-get
- repository
- add-apt-repository
- apt-cache
- aptitude
- install
- setup-apt
- repositories
- linux
- ubuntu
- debian
- package
Duxis project command line development tools.
This package creates bash installation scripts by reading dependency files such as package.json or requirements.txt
Control apt tasks via nodejs
Collection of connectors for Khizab
Manage and generate code from Aptos ABIs
VanillaJS library for Aptos
Reactivity for Aptos apps
nodejs client interface to ubuntu core snapd api
A few bytes long in-browser library, jQuery and RequireJS without the payload
Debian/Cydia repository manager via a CLI.
Provides Nikita actions for various service management operations.