Search results
34 packages found
Pluggable loader for angular-translate that allows separate independent angular modules to contribute their angular-translate translations.
Angular translate one-time directive
Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project
Find translations used in AngularJS project
A JS library to verify the coherence and the correctness of angular-translate elements.
Angular translate one-time directive
A translation module for AngularJS
Gulp plugin to bundle JSON localization files
A JS library to verify the coherence and the correctness of angular-translate elements.
Grunt tasks to automatically extract translations from your djangularjs project
Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project
Concatenates and registers translations for angular-translate in an AngularJS module.
- gulpplugin
- gulp
- angular
- angularjs
- ng
- translate
- angular-translate
- localization
- localisation
- l10n
- internationalization
- internationalisation
- i18n
Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project
A publish of 1.x version of angular-translate
Watch and compile language files into single locales ready to be served to angular-translate using angular-translate-loader-url.
- i18n
- internationalisation
- locale
- language
- lang
- angular-translate
- angular-translate-loader-url
- express
- node
- watch
- node-watch
- compile
Precache JSON files during angular startup. Useful for angular-translate, etc.
Convert language resources into psuedo-internationalized text
Inspired by grunt-json-angular-translate. Wrap json file as angular translate module