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A package of Essential JS 2 notification components such as Toast and Badge which used to notify important information to end-users. for Angular
- angular
- ng
- ng-template
- ej2-ng-notifications
- ng-notifications
- ng-toast
- angular-toaster
- angular-template
- ej2-angular-notifications
- angular-notifications
- angular-toast
- ng-message
- angular-message
- ng-skeleton
published version 28.2.3, 20 days ago9 dependents licensed under $SEE LICENSE IN license
A lightweight and customizable toaster notification library for Angular applications, providing elegant and responsive toast messages for alerts, errors, success, and information.
- angular
- toster
- toast
- notifications
- alerts
- ui-component
- angular-toster
- angular-notifications
- popup-messages
- ng-toster
published version 0.0.2, 12 days ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
A customizable alert library for Angular applications
- angular
- alert
- alerts
- notifications
- angular-library
- angular-alerts
- custom-alerts
- confirmation-alert
- error-alert
- info-alert
- success-alert
- warning-alert
- notification-system
- angular-notifications
- View more
published version 1.1.1, 9 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT