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Handy material design timepicker for angular
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- angular 12
- angular 13
- angular 14
- angular 15
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Material Design Progress Buttons
Dropzone with Material Design implementation.
Autocomplete input component and directive for google-maps built with angular and material design
Material Design Expansion Panels for angular material
Carousel component for Angular using Material Design.
Carousel component for Angular using Material Design.
AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill color and size.
A fileupload component based on angular-material design
Material Design date/time pickers for Angular Material
A Material Design rating component
Carousel component for Angular using Material Design.
Material design time picker for 12 hour and 24 hour time
Prototype of a Material Design Datepicker Component for Angular 2
Angular Material Design Lite - Select Component
- angular2
- angular8
- angular9
- angular10
- angular11
- angular12
- angular13
- angular14
- angular15
- angular
- material design lite
- select
Angular Material Design Lite - Popover Component
- angular2
- angular8
- angular9
- angular10
- angular11
- angular12
- angular13
- angular14
- angular15
- angular
- material design lite
- popover
Lightweight, Material Design inspired button for scroll-to-top of the page. No dependencies. Pure Angular!
- material
- angular
- ngx
- material design
- button
- animate
- scrollTop
- scroll to top
- goToTop
- go-to-top
- angular14
- angular15
- angular16
- angular17
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Material Design date/time pickers built with Angular Material and Moment.js
Angular timepicker to add time which is based on material design and Angular material.
A calendar directive for AngularJS and Angular Material Design