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Decorator-powered JWT handling library for Grappa and Angular
JSON Web Token helper library for Angular
Refresh token support for angular2-jwt
Angular JWT authentication library
JWT authentication utility for Angular & Angular Universal
Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2+
Provides an angular2 auth module to handle authentication based on JWT
JWT authentication for angular
An angular utility service to manage access token based on jwt for yocto-jwt node package
A simple JWT module for Angular applications
<a> <br> <h1 align="center">ng-jwt-authentication</h1> </a>
A library for Token-Based Authentication (JWT Authentication) for Angular application.
JSON Web Token helper library for Angular
JSON Web Token helper library for Angular
A simple JWT library for Angular applications
Angular module for PassportJS login and API auth. Strategies: Basic, JWT & Hash
avelow-jwt-auth is a module that helps authentication with JWT
Provides an angular auth module to handle authentication based on JWT
Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2
Angular authentication service with Json Web Token (JWT).