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275 packages found
Angular component to show country flags.
Self-contained, mobile friendly slider component for Angular 5+ based on angularjs-slider
Self-contained, mobile friendly slider component for Angular 14/15/16 based on angularjs-slider
An angular component for Angular 9 - 17 for creating 1-D barcodes based on Lindell's JsBarcode
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular
- angular2
- angular
- ng2
- ng
- cookie
- cookies
- angular2-cookie
- angular2-cookies
- ng2-cookies
- ng2-cookie
- ng-cookies
- ng-cookie
- ngx-cookie
- ngx-cookies
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular
- angular2
- angular
- ng2
- ng
- cookie
- cookies
- angular2-cookie
- angular2-cookies
- ng2-cookies
- ng2-cookie
- ng-cookies
- ng-cookie
- ngx-cookie
- ngx-cookies
Trying to think about new user, contact or customer data can be tricky, so here's a simple library to make some of the job a little easier. This library offers random first and last names, and currently a random date of birth from 1/1/1970 onwards.
1.增加 树型选择器弹出框
1. Support Angular 17 (not compatible with <= 16, if you want, use 15.0.0 release) 2. Support Server side rendering 3. Support Re-initialize case 4. Fastest slick init/unslick implementation in Angular
An angular component for Angular 9 - 14 for creating 1-D barcodes based on Lindell's JsBarcode
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular
- angular2
- angular
- ng2
- ng
- cookie
- cookies
- angular2-cookie
- angular2-cookies
- ng2-cookies
- ng2-cookie
- ng-cookies
- ng-cookie
- ngx-cookie
- ngx-cookies
A calendar component for angular 6.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view
Use Vue Components in Angular 1.x
Pinch zoom component for Angular.
A simple typeahead directive to be used with Angular Material input and matAutocomplete component.
Easy to use ES6 imports for $http, $log, and other Angular 1 services
- import
- require
- angular
- dependency
- inject
- dependency injection
- di
- typed
- typesafe
- type safe
- typescript
- es6
- es2015
- interoperable
One line of code to turn any Angular 1 Component into a React Component
The easiest way to embed React components in Angular 1 apps!
Native Angular Bootstrap Components
The easiest way to embed React components in Angular 1 apps! react 18 compatible