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55 packages found
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A reusable React clock package with analog and digital clocks
Node-Red nodes for the realization of Software-Plc with Ladder-Logic
Node-RED node for ads1115 16bit adc using with redPlc nodes.
Node-RED node for ds18b20 temp. sensor using with redPlc nodes.
A customizable analog clock built using React
Analog Clock Component for VueJS
> A customizable analogue clock built with styled-components in React
Node-RED nodes for groov I/O
Library for TI ADS101x-Q1 analog to digital converter.
Uses unified and remark/rehype ecosystem for parsing agx files in AnalogJS
React Native library to generate analog clock.
Temperature reading from TMP36 sensor via PCF8591 analog/digital converter using WiringPi GPIO command line utility.
A themable analog clock component
React native analog clock as a nice alternative to traditional timepicker.
Library of common microcontroller sensor gauges
- react
- components
- ui
- arduino
- nodemcu
- sensor
- temperature
- airquality
- light
- meter
- gauge
- humidity
- water
- battery
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ADC, GPIO, PWM, UARTs, and more on the BeagleBone Black.
Analog Clock for OBS Studio or vMix
Break on Through - ADC, GPIO, PWM, UARTs, and more on the BeagleBone Black.
A Node-RED collection of nodes to control Sequent Microsystems Home Automation Card