Search results
2643 packages found
AWS SDK for JavaScript
S3 Compatible Cloud Storage client
Send logs to Amazon Cloudwatch using Winston.
Inspired by aws-serverless-express to work with Fastify with inject functionality.
Runtime utility library for Functional Web Apps (FWAs) built with Architect (
Create, deploy, and maintain next-generation AWS cloud function-based serverless infrastructure with full local, offline workflows, and more.
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- less mixins
- concatMap
- stdlib
- look-up
- helpers
- Observables
- stable
- WebSockets
- watcher
- jwt
- time
- ES5
- bundling
- sort
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![publish workflow]( [![Test Coverage](](
- util.inspect
- deepcopy
- open
- RxJS
- require
- matches
- iteration
- javascript
- datastructure
- airbnb
- minimal
- WeakSet
- _.extend
- buffers
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[![Tests](]( [![npm version](](
- pipe
- cloudwatch
- remove
- intrinsic
- regular
- l10n
- class-validator
- computed-types
- match
- argparse
- which
- -0
- limit
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Architect Static Asset Proxy (ASAP) - a helpful library for Lambda-based static asset delivery
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- map
- chai
- ansi
- postcss
- compile less
- a11y
- String.prototype.matchAll
- variables in css
- traverse
- fastclone
- Uint32Array
- ECMAScript 2022
- toArray
- symbols
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![Main CI]( [![npm](]( [![downloads](
- guid
- packages
- structuredClone
- look-up
- Array.prototype.findLast
- console
- ts
- request
- iterate
- airbnb
- form
- debug
- redux
- matches
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Create, deploy, and maintain next-generation AWS cloud function-based serverless infrastructure with full local, offline workflows, and more.
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][5]][6] [![dev dependency status][7]][8] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- BigUint64Array
- rgb
- airbnb
- 0
- a11y
- predictable
- fsevents
- Array.prototype.contains
- korean
- Underscore
- concat
- jwt
- dynamodb
- WebSocket
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S3 Compatible Cloud Storage client
[![npm version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![build status][build-image]][build-url] [![minzipped size][bundlephobia-image]][bundlephobia-url] [![Dependency count][depcount-image]][npm-url]
- chrome
- throttle
- debugger
- ES2018
- nope
- name
- Rx
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- 256
- internal
- create
- bluebird
- es7
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
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- TypedArray
- colour
- watching
- argparse
- RegExp#flags
- find
- length
- sns
- toolkit
- stdlib
- ECMAScript 7
- regular expressions
- proxy
- awesomesauce
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@diotoborg/laudantium-itaque-esse =========
- cloudwatch
- batch
- prune
- remove
- Array.prototype.filter
- ES2020
- client
- take
- superagent
- util.inspect
- route53
- eslintconfig
- es2016
- drop
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[Brace expansion](, as known from sh/bash, in JavaScript.
- limit
- error
- lesscss
- emit
- typesafe
- amazon
- emoji
- workspace:*
- TypeScript
- Array
- Int16Array
- from
- negative zero
- debug
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