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An API for Akinator. Supports up to 15 languages.
- aki
- akinator
- magic
- aki promise
- akinator promise
- discord akinator
- discord-akinator
- discordjs akinator
- discordjs-akinator
A Discord.js v14 module that allows you to create an Akinator command for your discord bot in a matter of seconds.
An Simple API for Akinator
Módulo para jugar akinator
An API for Akinator. Supports up to 15 languages.
- aki
- akinator
- magic
- aki promise
- akinator promise
- discord akinator
- discord-akinator
- discordjs akinator
- discordjs-akinator
A literal fork of the npm package discord.js-akinator, except with very minor changes(WIP). The only reason I'm publishing this is for private use. But anyone is free to use it if they wish.
Akinator game library for Node.js
Basit Türkçe Akinator Komutu.
a akinator api discord bot where you can create an akinator discord command!
Node-RED node for akinator
Akinator unofficial API wrapper
Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.
A Discord.js v13 Module that allows you to Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.
Just a fun module to interact with aki-api more easily on Discord. Modified by Holly (me) to look more comfortable.
A Discord.js v13 Module that allows you to Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.
An API for Akinator. Supports up to 15 languages.
- aki
- akinator
- magic
- aki promise
- akinator promise
- discord akinator
- discord-akinator
- discordjs akinator
- discordjs-akinator
A Discord.js v14 Module that allows you to Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.
A Discord.js v14 Module that allows you to Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.