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Parsing of SBS-1 Mode S ADS-B messages.
📡✈️ App that picks up ADS-B radio signals from airplanes and plots them in real time on a map in your browser
A utility library for getting the message length of Mode S messages based on the downlink format
A library to decode a binary Mode S message to an easy to use JavaScript object
Plugin for AR.Drone webflight that shows nearby air traffic.
- AR.Drone
- ads-b
- aircraft
- ardrone-webflight
- aviation
- avionics
- diydrone
- drone
- hud
- mode s
- planespotter
- planespotting
- plugin
- sbs-1
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A utility library for keeping track of active aircrafts and their position based on their Mode S messages
Parsing of SBS-1 Mode S ADS-B messages.
A JavaScript module for demodulating and decoding Mode S / ADS-B messages from aviation aircrafts
- decode
- decoder
- demodulate
- demodulator
- modes
- mode-s
- adsb
- ads-b
- sdr
- rtlsdr
- rtl-sdr
- librtlsdr
- radio
- aircraft
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Worldwide catalog of air traffic control radars.
A Node-Red ADS-B decoded node
Connects to and parses JSON containing aircraft location information.
A tiny javascript utility to make api requests to adsbexchange api server
OpenSky Network API Client
A C addon module for decoding Mode S messages.
👜 callbag source for decoding, parsing, and streaming ads-b packets