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Create an iterator which introduces additive white Laplacian noise.
- stdlib
- simulate
- simulation
- noise
- additive
- white
- laplacian
- laplace
- biexponential
- bi-exponential
- double-exponential
- exponential
- information theory
- random
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Create an iterator which introduces additive white Gaussian noise.
- stdlib
- simulate
- simulation
- noise
- additive
- white
- gaussian
- normal
- information theory
- random
- iterator
- iterable
- iterate
- iteration
Create an iterator which introduces additive white uniform noise.
- stdlib
- simulate
- simulation
- noise
- additive
- white
- uniform
- unif
- information theory
- random
- iterator
- iterable
- iterate
- iteration
Additive tweening library for smooth animations
Low-budget user interface animation
Additive tweening library for smooth animations
Mocks for the additween animation library
E numbers are codes for substances that are permitted to be used as food additives for use within the European Union and EFTA.
- food
- e
- europian
- union
- efta
- number
- code
- additive
- color
- preservative
- antioxidant
- antibiotic
- sweetener
- acidity
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The International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS) is a European-based naming system for food additives, aimed at providing a short designation of what may be a lengthy actual name.
- food
- ins
- international
- numbering
- system
- number
- code
- additive
- colour
- acidity
- regulator
- anticaking
- agent
- stabilizer
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a modern, focused, flexible javascript animation library.
An always interruptable, declarative animation library for React
a modern, focused, flexible javascript animation library.
Hyperactive animation layers
Additive animations the MVVM way
Any resemblance to an animation library is purely coincidental
style animation for hyperact
Animate object state with multiple concurrent animations
Just the parts I need from web-animations-js
An always interruptable, declarative animation library for React
Animation layers for javascript (a work in progress)