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A cross-platform ActionSheet for React Native
A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a robust and flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
- bottom-animated
- react-native
- javascript
- actionsheet
- android
- ios
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- dialog
- picker
- modal
- drawer
- raw-bottom-sheet
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Add Your Own Component To Bottom Sheet Whatever You Want (Android & iOS)
A simple and easy to use bottom sheet component with drag gestures for React Native
- react-native
- react
- native
- mobile
- action-sheet
- actionsheet
- bottom
- bottom-sheet
- bottomsheet
- panel
- modal
- drag
- gesture
- draggable
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A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a robust and flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
- bottom-animated
- react-native
- javascript
- actionsheet
- android
- ios
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- dialog
- picker
- modal
- drawer
- raw-bottom-sheet
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iOS share and action sheets for React Native
- react-native
- react
- native
- activity-view
- react-component
- react-native-component
- action-sheet
- share-sheet
- share
- sheet
- social
Add Your Own Component To Bottom Sheet Whatever You Want (Android & iOS)
Multiple images, pdf share
- react-native
- react
- native
- image-share
- multiple-images-share
- react-component
- react-native-component
- action-sheet
- share-sheet
- share
- sheet
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Add Whatever You Want To Bottom Sheet (Android & iOS)
Multiple images, pdf share
- react-native
- react
- native
- image-share
- multiple-images-share
- react-component
- react-native-component
- action-sheet
- share-sheet
- share
- sheet
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A fully featured Material UI implementation of overlays like modals, alert dialogs, lightboxes, and bottom sheets featuring easy stack management and browser history integration
- react
- overlay
- modal
- react-overlay
- bottom-sheet
- action-sheet
- modal-sheet
- alert
- alert-dialog
- confirm-dialog
- confirm-box
- dialog
- lightbox
- image-lightbox
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React Native UI Collection built upon React StoryBook
- action-sheet
- avatar
- badge
- base-card
- button
- check-box
- chip
- linear-gradient
- modal
- radio
- shimmer
- slider
- spacer
- text
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React Native Contact Action Sheet for emails, phone numbers, and websites
- react-native
- component-library
- apple
- ios
- android
- contact
- phone-number
- website
- webpage
- url
- action-sheet
- actionsheet
Fully customizable BottomSheet for React Native
- react-native-easy-bottomsheet
- react
- react-native
- bottomsheet
- action-sheet
- bottom-sheet
- bottom-drawer
- bottom-animated
- drawer
- swipper
- sheet
- modal
- dialog
Add Your Own Component To Bottom Sheet Whatever You Want (Android & iOS)
Use the iOS share sheet from React Native
- react-native
- share
- share-manager
- share-sheet
- action-sheet
- activity
- activity-sheet
- sheet
Custom ActionSheet for React Native
- react-native
- react-native-action-sheet
- action-sheet
- action-sheet-custom
- react-native-actionsheet-custom
- react-native-actionsheet-cstm
Cross platform action sheet design which supports on both Android and iOS.
- react native action sheet modal
- react-native-action-sheet-modal
- action sheet modal
- action-sheet-modal
- action sheet
- action-sheet
Add Whatever You Want To Bottom Sheet (Android & iOS)
An action sheet component of responsive-ui.