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19 packages found
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CW Dummy Test
Watson Assistant powered chat server
wa-chat-server adapter for Unblu
Ask IBM Watson a question on Bluemix
Mluvii adapter for the modules wa-chat-server
wa-chat-server adapter for Telegram
Express class for use with Watson Work
A set of nodes to help you create simulated IoT devices connected to IBM Watson IoT Platform.
Crawls a website and populates a Watson Discovery Collection.
Runs word-error-rate evaluation on Watson STT Model
Runs automated testing on Watson Assistant Skill.
Runs K-Fold cross validation on Watson Assistant Skill.
This utility is a prototype design and implementation of the WAT# programming language. WAT# is a lightweight programming language that transpiles its output to WebAssembly text format. Its aim is that you can easily add powerful WebAssembly code to your
A package to use Watson Assistant with APIs easily
wa-chat-server adapter for the Microsoft Bot Framework
wa-chat-server adapter for the Microsoft Bot Framework
IBM Watson Node Red Node for Natural Language Classifier
wa-chat-server adapter for Facebook
Create an IBM Watson Conversation Workspace given a CSV Corpus file.