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156 packages found
A express package to list all registered endpoints and its verbs
The english alphabet as a string or array, upper and lowercase.
A express package to list all registered endpoints and its verbs
Japanese verb/adjective conjugator/deconjugator library based on Taeko Kamiya's *The Handbook of Japanese Verbs* and *The Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs*
List all your express routes.
An eslint plugin to enforce method or function name stick to the conventions.
A powerful Japanese verb conjugator library which can provide conjugations for a wide range of verb forms and form combinations.
Parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.
- simply
- horn
- component
- built
- components
- design
- into
- framework
- frontend
- cannot
- react
- verb
- react-component
- ui
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- important
- simple
- component
- dead
- components
- design
- shadow
- framework
- frontend
- verb
- react
- dawn
- react-component
- ui
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Basic template helpers for printing messages out to the console. Useful for debugging context in templates. Should work with any template engine.
- assemble
- dash
- debug
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- generate
- generator
- handlebars
- helper
- helpers
- inspect
- lo
- lo-dash
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Replace extraneous newlines with a single newline, or pass a specified number of newlines to use.
English lemmatizer
Utils for GraphQL
express.js inspired template-engine manager.
- assemble
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- engines
- express
- front
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Utils for Template middleware.
- assemble
- assembleutils
- async
- generate
- middleware
- route
- routes
- template
- templateutils
- update
- utils
- verb
- verbutils
Middleware for renaming views based on front-matter properties.
Template helper for adding formatted dates using node-dateformat. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any template engine that supports helper functions. Also compatible with verb, assemble and Template.
Example projects using Template, Assemble, Verb and other node.js applications.
Async template helper for generating a list of markdown reference links.
- compile
- docs
- documentation
- format
- generate
- generator
- helper
- helpers
- link
- links
- markdown
- md
- ref
- reference
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