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863 packages found
Simple express file upload middleware that wraps around Busboy
Spec-compliant FormData implementation for Node.js
FilePond, Where files go to stretch their bits.
UI components for file uploads with React js
- file
- upload
- dropzone
- file upload
- uploader
- file uploader
- typescript
- drag
- drop
- drag-drop
- preview
- ui
- files
- material
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A module provides upload, download, and files access API. Supports file stream read/write for process large files.
Official JavaScript library for Filestack
- filestack
- filepicker
- upload
- files
- multipart
- S3
- transform
- cropper
- document viewer
- images
- image processing
- file management
- universal
- isomorphic
Use Node JS to scan files on your server with ClamAV's clamscan/clamdscan binary or via TCP to a remote server or local UNIX Domain socket. This is especially useful for scanning uploaded files provided by un-trusted sources.
A Material-UI file-upload dropzone
UI components for file uploads with React js. Forked form and removed Google fonts.
- file
- upload
- dropzone
- file upload
- uploader
- file uploader
- typescript
- drag
- drop
- drag-drop
- preview
- ui
- files
- material
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Set of utils for work with files and Telegram Bot API
Flmngr file manager (Local disk / Amazon S3 / Azure Blob)
Droppable zone UI for Uppy. Drag and drop files into it to upload.
Native filesystem access for React Native
React File Uploader. React component with uploading from multiple sources
- uploadcare
- react
- component
- widget
- uploader
- file-uploader
- image-uploader
- upload-component
- upload file
- multipart-upload
- image-picker
- react-image-picker
- react-upload
- react-upload-component
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Store files in a web-accessible location via a simplified API. Can automatically scale and rotate images. Includes S3, Azure and local filesystem-based backends with the most convenient features of each.
Lets your users drag and drop files on a DOM element
Web Component for uploading files with drag and drop support
Angular 2+ wrapper for Uploadcare Widget
Clone of select-files
- select-files
- select-file
- upload-files
- upload-file
- select
- upload
- input-file
- file-input
- file
- filelist
- dom
- typescript
- javascript
A react component and hooks to handle files