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443 packages found
A library and cli to create a local blockchain for fast Ethereum development.
- ganache
- ganache-core
- ganache-cli
- @trufflesuite/ganache
- @truffle/ganache
- ethereum
- evm
- blockchain
- smart contracts
- dapps
- solidity
- vyper
- fe
- web3
- View more
Truffle 5 Hardhat compatibility plugin
Mocha reporter which shows gas used per unit test.
Truffle contract artifact loading tool for local development
Truffle 4 Hardhat compatibility plugin
Simple Solidity contract to mock dependent contracts in truffle tests.
Venly enabled Web3 Provider for the web
Venly enabled Web3 Provider for the web
Truffle 4 Buidler compatibility plugin
Verify your deployed smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle CLI
Witnet CLI import module for Solidity projects
TronBox - Simple development framework for Tron
Track the gas costs of your functions over time.
common code for web3 suite plugins. Code in this repo can be used for truffle or hardhat, but is designed to be applicable to future web3 suite plugins as well.
A better contract abstraction for Ethereum (Buidler's fork)
truffle plugin for integrating with Safeheron
Command-line tools for interacting with the Reality.eth fact verification platform. Mainly intended for doing arbitration from an offline computer.
Recursive Length Prefix Encoding Module
minimal library to decode a signed raw Ethereum transaction
- web3.js
- web3
- ethereum
- ethereumjs-tx
- sendRawTransaction
- solidity
- solc
- geth
- testrpc
- dapp
- dapple
- dapphub
- truffle
- trufflesuite
Deploy smartcontracts