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277 packages found
A list of most common User Agent.
Display dynamic real-time information about running Node.js process
List of the top 500 domains and pages on the web
App Store' Top Apps
Stack. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Data structure
- Stack
- Last In, First Out (LIFO)
- Push
- Pop
- Peek
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Top
- Element
- Dynamic resizing
- Memory management
- Stack operations
- Stack implementation
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A list of common crawler agents used on Internet..
Bitcoin full node monitoring dashboard for terminal
List of Global TLDs
Lay one string on top of another, with an optional offset
Responsive Financial Times page header with primary and secondary navigation, a drop down mega menu, and a collapsible drawer
Work easily with an element's position and dimensions
- Element
- HTMLElement
- getBoundingClientRect()
- rect
- offsetWidth
- offsetHeight
- border
- padding
- margin
- width
- height
- top
- left
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Reports width, height, and top for selected DOM elements
Responsive page header for sites with minimal or customised branding, including internal products, customer facing tools, and specialist titles.
ember-cli addon for @material/top-app-bar.
scroll UI library that can be used in React projects.
Create an iterator which generates a flat top pulse waveform.
- stdlib
- simulate
- simulation
- flat
- top
- flat-top
- window
- pulse
- wave
- train
- signal
- processing
- waveform
- periodic
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scroll page up
In a React Single Page Application (SPA), users often expect the view to scroll to the top when they navigate to a new page. Without this functionality, users might find themselves starting at an arbitrary scroll position, which can be confusing and lead
Elevator.js fixes those awkward "scroll to top" moments the old fashioned way.