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178 packages found
For ViteJS, plugin builder for MFEs compatibility with ILC namecheap
Utilities for providing SystemJS support to Piral.
used to invade Systemjs and customize the behavior of obtaining dependencies
Use systemjs to add npm and umd extensions to module-federation
An extra for SystemJS 6 to load CommonJS modules in the browser
1.6kb minimalist hook sdk
Runtime Module Loader
loader component for cdn address
TypeScript loader for SystemJS
Babel plugin for stubbing (ES6, ES2015) module exports
SystemJS plugin to load .vue single file components
Yeoman Fountain generator which handle the SystemJS config
SystemJS Route-Driven Bundler
Engine for the UniteJS zero configuration web app creation tool.
- unite
- unitejs
- cli
- javascript
- typescript
- babel
- browserify
- webpack
- commonjs
- requirejs
- systemjs
- jest
- karma
- mocha
- View more
Dynamically load angular modules via routes
Transform commonjs to systemjs
Include jspm module loader for karma runs; allows dynamic loading of src and test files and modules
grunt task for building projects based on systemjs