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17 packages found
Base iterator for extract iterators like tar-iterator and zip-iterator
Extract contents from tar archive type using an iterator API using streams or paths. Use stream interface and pipe transforms to add decompression algorithms
- extract
- iterator
- asyncIterator
- Symbol.asyncIterator
- extract-tar
- extract-bz2
- extract-gz
- extract-xz
- extract-tgz
- decompress
- decompress-tar
- decompress-bz2
- decompress-gz
- decompress-xz
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Extract contents from zip archive type using an iterator API using streams or paths. Use stream interface and pipe transforms to add decompression algorithms
- extract
- iterator
- asyncIterator
- Symbol.asyncIterator
- extract-zip
- decompress
- decompress-zip
- .zip
- zip
- yauzl
- zip-stream
- stream
An ESnext spec-compliant shim/polyfill/replacement for all Well-Known Symbols that works in any environment with Symbols.
- javascript
- ecmascript
- polyfill
- shim
- well-known
- symbol
- Symbol.asyncIterator
- asyncIterator
- Symbol.hasInstance
- hasInstance
- Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
- isConcatSpreadable
- Symbol.iterator
- iterator
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Detect native Symbol.asyncIterator support.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- detect
- feature
- symbol
- async
- iterator
- symbol.asynciterator
- es2018
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Base iterator for values retrieved using a stack of async functions returning values
A file system iterator with filter and asyncIterator iterafaces. Supports Node 0.10 and above
Detect native Symbol.asyncIterator support.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- detect
- feature
- symbol
- async
- iterator
- symbol.asynciterator
- es2018
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Creates an async iterator for a variety of inputs in the browser and node. Supports fetch, node-fetch, and cross-fetch
- Symbol
- Symbol.asyncIterator
- array
- arrayBuffer
- asyncIterator
- axios
- blob
- body
- browser
- cross-fetch
- fetch
- got
- isomorphic-fetch
- iteration
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Maximize the parallel calls of an iterator supporting asyncIterator interface
Get the default iterator or async iterator for an iterable or async iterable
Calls async iterator next using a callback format
Sugary iteration utilities and interfaces.
- iteration
- iterator
- iterators
- iterable
- iterables
- async-iterator
- async-iteration
- async-iterable
- iter
- iterate
- for in
- for-in
- for of
- for-of
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Streaming iterables over window.postMessage
Calls a callback only once
Calls a callback once after platform-independent next tick
Line-by-line async iterator for the browser and node