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2421 packages found
Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes. Based on the Java Apache HttpStatus API.
The map of HTTP status codes from the builtin http module
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- less mixins
- concatMap
- stdlib
- look-up
- helpers
- Observables
- stable
- WebSockets
- watcher
- jwt
- time
- ES5
- bundling
- sort
- View more
A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- call
- watchFile
- awesomesauce
- encryption
- exit-code
- utility
- bdd
- typeerror
- parse
- intrinsic
- ratelimit
- 6to5
- parent
- reducer
- View more
Constants that represent various HTTP status codes, inspired by the Java Apache HttpStatus API.
Simple JSON object of common HTTP headers, status codes and methods.
http status codes for javascript and typescript router responses
A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- positive
- core
- ES2020
- guid
- bcrypt
- remove
- ECMAScript 2016
- korean
- Underscore
- macos
- ts
- offset
- symbols
- sigint
- View more
A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- group
- Object.fromEntries
- bound
- packages
- ponyfill
- watcher
- fastclone
- URLSearchParams
- es2018
- Stream
- ratelimit
- limited
- tdd
- core-js
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A npm package that provides human-readable descriptions for HTTP status codes.
- status
- codes
- descriptions
- status codes
- HTTP status
- HTTP codes
- HTTP status codes
- human-readable
- developer tools
- web development
- error handling
- API response
[![Version npm](]([![CI](
- typed
- rfc4122
- superagent
- break
- rgb
- toStringTag
- descriptor
- await
- file system
- path
- fsevents
- wget
- ReactiveExtensions
- dependency manager
- View more
- jest
- task
- querystring
- airbnb
- hasOwnProperty
- hasOwn
- es2015
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- cors
- watchFile
- input
- make
- protocol-buffers
- Uint16Array
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- Object.fromEntries
- code points
- ES2023
- flag
- define
- spec
- util.inspect
- sameValueZero
- https
- wrap
- postcss-plugin
- fast-clone
- tester
- colors
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http status codes for javascript and typescript router responses
- ECMAScript 5
- delete
- .env
- define
- reducer
- cache
- slice
- protobuf
- descriptor
- test
- ajax
- ES2021
- indicator
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[![Version npm](]( [![GitHub Workflow Status](
- coercible
- Rx
- react
- queue
- progress
- authentication
- styled-components
- tty
- Symbol
- character
- contains
- console
- optimizer
- connect
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[![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](](
- error
- sham
- polyfill
- drag
- writable
- Array
- js
- fast-clone
- Object.values
- negative
- key
- es2015
- serialize
- bundling
- View more
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- WeakSet
- extra
- emoji
- exec
- let
- authentication
- preprocessor
- nested css
- handlers
- ECMAScript 3
- typedarrays
- ES2016
- nodejs
- harmony
- View more