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Connects a web client to the QZ Tray software. Enables printing and device communication from javascript.
Star rating component with support for swipe and / or touch selection
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
Updated fork of react-native-star-prnt to maintain compatibility and functionality with Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
React wrapper of bootstrap-star-rating
React Revolution - interactive react components
- Accordion
- Article
- ArticleImage
- Astronaut404
- Box
- Breadcrumb
- Card
- CardScroll
- CardScrollCallback
- Carousel
- Clipboard
- Cloud404
- CloudMountain404
- Container
- View more
A highly customizable React component to get user feedback via a popup
Javascript library for printing to Star Micronics printers supporting the WebPRNT interface.
starcode.js tamamen sizin discorddaki ve benzeri işlerinizi kolaylaştırmak için star coders ekibi tarafından yapılmış bir npm dir.
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
StarPRNT React Native bridge for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers. Original repo:
- react-native
- ecosystem:react-native
- react-ios
- react-android
- printer
- Star
- StarPRNT
- react-bridge
- ios
- android
ESCPOS printing with no dependencies
Fake data generator for JavaScript, courtesy of Patrick Star
Print directly to Star printers from your NativeScript app.
Bar graph for star rating
Salar Star Wars