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18 packages found
Straightforward fuzzy matching, information retrieval and NLP building blocks for JavaScript.
- bloom filter
- canberra
- caverphone
- chebyshev
- cologne
- cosine
- clustering
- daitch-mokotoff
- dice
- fingerprint
- fuzzy
- hamming
- k-means
- jaccard
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Distance/Similarity functions for Bag of Words, Strings, Numbers, Dates and Vectors.
- Distance
- Similarity
- Bag of Words
- Strings
- Vectors
- Chebyshev
- Cosine
- Hamming
- Jaccard
- Jaro
- Manhattan
- Soundex
- Tversky
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Soundex phonetic algorithm
Clean and simple regex implentation of Kölner Phonetik, a soundex-like algorithm for German language
NLP Functions for amplifying negations, managing elisions, creating ngrams, stems, phonetic codes to tokens and more.
- Tokenize
- Stem
- NGrams
- Bag of Words
- Phonetize
- Soundex
- Stop Words
- Sentence Breaking
- Regex
- Natural Language Processing
Retext implementation of the Soundex algorithm
Pure Javascript/Node.js in-memory full text search engine.
Soundex function adapted for french phonetics
Calculate the soundex key of a string
English is a West Germanic language, first spoken in early medieval England.
Javascript Object Extensions
Typescript implementation of the soundex phonetic search algorithm.
Returns a difference between two strings using soundex, levenshtein distance or both.
Generate soundex index for Arabic words.
VISEO Bot Maker - Fuzzy's Soundex algorithm
Generate a soundex index for a word.
Encode strings as soundex hashes