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Develop Apps Script Projects locally
A client-side utility class that can call server-side Google Apps Script functions
Webpack Dev Server fork for
Simple, configurable, nested & reusable sliding action script
three.js RWX (AW) loader
Google Apps Script Webpack Dev Server fork
Japanese Programming Language "Nadesiko3" with PHP
Simple animation functions for inertion scrolling
Simple plugins functions for @slidy/core
Simple, observable & cookie-persisted media-query store
Simple easing functions for inertion scrolling
Javascript parser for Active Worlds (AW) sequence files
SVG DOM assembler
Google Apps Script and SheetsAPIv4 wrappers in TypeScript
Magma Script Language
A client-side utility class that can call server-side Google Apps Script functions
A simple framework for Google Apps Script
Simple, configurable & reusable carousel CustomElement
Learn nodejs, graphql with Type Script
Simple component to load gtag.js (Google Analytics 4) into a Next.js app. Works well with @haensl/google-analytics.