Search results
29 packages found
This repository provides a way to connect NestJS applications to HarvardKey and provide a rudimentary form of authorization (in the form of route guards) out of the box
A UI component library for building React Apps
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 10m resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 1km resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 500m resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 10m resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 1m resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 2km5 resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 5m resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 2km5 resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 5km resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 50m resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 500m resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 1km resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 2m5 resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 100m resolution.
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 10km resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 50m resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's waterbodies with 1m resolution.
- geo-maps
- earth-waterbodies
- earth-water
- world-waterbodies
- world-water
- world
- earth
- water
- waters
- waterbodies
- sea
- seas
- river
- rivers
- View more
High Quality GeoJSON map of earth's seas and oceans with 250m resolution.