Search results
20 packages found
[![Project license](]( [![Project license](]( [![Discord](https://img.
- react
- concat
- flatten
- deep
- browser
- create
- fast-copy
- TypedArray
- logger
- Array.prototype.flat
- callbind
- state
- functions
- View more
The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- getPrototypeOf
- deep
- WebSocket
- Int8Array
- matches
- serializer
- WeakMap
- mkdirs
- jsx
- ECMAScript 3
- quote
- testing
- take
- es2018
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The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- gradients css3
- valid
- readablestream
- classes
- trimStart
- HyBi
- isConcatSpreadable
- exit
- await
- ebs
- language
- Int32Array
- ES2018
- fast-copy
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[![Project license](]( [![Project license](]( [![Discord](https://img.
- remove
- concatMap
- styled-components
- streams
- ECMAScript 2016
- omit
- create
- Array.prototype.includes
- tap
- descriptors
- functional
- less mixins
- toStringTag
- mkdirp
- View more
[![](]( [![Discuss](]( [![codecov](https://img.s
- safe
- open
- es2017
- Int8Array
- beanstalk
- $.extend
- getter
- wordwrap
- assertion
- property
- streams2
- typesafe
- deep
- Array.prototype.findLast
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The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- jsonpath
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf
- character
- compile less
- ebs
- property
- debug
- regexp
- router
- fps
- __proto__
- rm
- css-in-js
- WeakSet
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The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- dayjs
- data
- RFC-6455
- moment
- robust
- tostringtag
- get
- ES2022
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- characters
- dependency manager
- coercible
- every
- irq
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This is a part of [Node3D]( project.
- sharedarraybuffer
- uuid
- RegExp.prototype.flags
- reuse
- ESnext
- mkdir
- ses
- Array.prototype.contains
- babel-core
- eventDispatcher
- ECMAScript 7
- every
- xhr
- sigint
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A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- coercible
- amazon
- wrap
- linewrap
- keys
- visual
- width
- watching
- live
- chinese
- sns
- awesomesauce
- superstruct
- gdpr
- View more
A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- ECMAScript 2017
- ECMAScript 2023
- code points
- state
- cloudsearch
- assertion
- compare
- readable
- dir
- _.extend
- react
- link
- tape
- less compiler
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A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance
- kinesis
- key
- getPrototypeOf
- optimizer
- tools
- lazy
- styles
- TypeBox
- eventDispatcher
- create
- input
- find-up
- dir
- rfc4122
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This project provides a small utility for numerical ID obscuration for public display or referencing. It converts a number like *19* to a string like *ivUVjy0Q*, and a given string (obscured ID) can be converted back to the original number. The numerical
- properties
- inference
- preserve-symlinks
- delete
- enumerable
- https
- 6to5
- metadata
- Symbol.toStringTag
- ECMAScript 2022
- starter
- compile less
- which
- prop
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[![This project is using for visual regression testing.](](
- stringify
- runtime
- writable
- regular
- live
- nodejs
- tc39
- environment
- glacier
- es2016
- ES2020
- offset
- private data
- request
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[![Build Status](]( [![Windows Build Status](](
- gestures
- util.inspect
- indicator
- require
- es2017
- ECMAScript 3
- mru
- cjk
- json-schema-validator
- toSorted
- take
- filter
- look-up
- packages
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**Distributed delayed jobs in nodejs**. Resque is a background job system backed by [Redis]( (version 2.6.0 and up required). It includes priority queues, plugins, locking, delayed jobs, and more! This project is a very opinionated but API
- reuse
- property
- tape
- readablestream
- multi-package
- RxJS
- String.prototype.matchAll
- private
- chromium
- stringify
- watching
- safe
- ebs
- View more
| :construction: This project is still in development. You should use it with caution. | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
> Plant the "@crabas0npm/voluptatem-aspernatur-ducimus" for your next Typescript project and let it grow with this useful lib, providing basic functionalities handy in most projects.
A plugin for ESLint that allows you to use project-specific rules, similar to the deprecated [`--rulesdir`]( command line option ([more](
- enumerable
- symlink
- japanese
- Observables
- ES7
- bluebird
- typeof
- ECMAScript 2017
- point-free
- bundling
- equal
- glob
- last
- extend
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CoinPayments is a cloud wallet solution that offers an easy way to integrate a checkout system for numerous cryptocurrencies. Coinpayments now also offers coin conversion via
- BINGO Entertainment
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin (Lightning Network)
- Litecoin
- United States Dollar
- Canadian Dollar
- Euro
- Cayman Islands Dollar
- Velas
- Velas (Old Chain)
- Ripple
- Orbit
- ButtCoin
- 0xETH SV
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