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Prisma express-session store
Memory store adapter for tRPC limiter.
NativeScript plugin to acquire device information.
spy client
- spy
- client
- Longtask
- frontend monitor
- performance monitor
- exception monitor
- jsError
- whiteScreenError
- resourceError
- performance timing
- Largest Contentful Paint
- Cumulative Layout Shift
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Tinker Board-Monitor for ioBroker Installations
Memory usage logger and chart builder.
The fhf-linkedlist library is a high-performance JavaScript implementation of a linked list, leveraging WebAssembly for efficient memory management and fast execution. It provides an easy-to-use API for common linked list operations such as appending, pus
- JavaScript
- Linked
- List
- WebAssembly
- High
- Performance
- Memory
- Management
- Data
- Structures
- Efficient
- Algorithms
- Dynamic
- Frontend
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This is the CLI version for Ilse Langnar's Notebook. It's an implementatino of a standard where you can have the same notes, files and overall organization into the same structure as to access them in different "environments". Such as desktop, mobile, com
- Note Taking
- taskwarrior
- zettelkasten
- flashcards
- anki
- supermemo
- command line
- journal
- journaling
- Diary
- Memory
- algorithm
Memory match game
Homebridge Glances Plugin
An in memory store adapter for prodio-stores
Prisma express-session store
Multi-purpose javascript Database
This service can be used to generate an internal private data that gets automatically disposed when it's not used anymore.
Prisma express-session store
Windows Memory low level binding
Validates CPU units and Memory for a fargate task, it makes sure the combination is supported by AWS
Provides a generic storage layer for File, FileSystem, IndexedDB, Memory & LocalStorage.
A Node.js native module to get various host system stats like memory/cpu load.