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83 packages found
Bundle for astronomical calculations such as position of moon, sun and planets, sunrise, sunset or solar eclipses. Most of the calculations are based on Jean Meeus 'Astronomical Algorithms' book and the VSOP87 theory.
- astronomy
- calculations
- sun
- sunrise
- sunset
- solar eclipse
- moon
- moonrise
- moonset
- libration
- planets
- mercury
- venus
- mars
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Portable Crypto libraries for Node and Browsers
- encrypt
- decrypt
- encryption
- decryption
- crypto
- CAST128
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Returns the weight of a person on the planer Mars
Mars 2020 weather API for nodeJS
- mars
- 2020
- weather
- nasa
- mission
- nasa mission
- mars weather
- mars weather 2020
- mars weather 2020 nasa
- mars 2020
- mars 2020 mission
- perseverance
- rover perseverance
- mars perseverance
NASA public REST API client
LithoSphere is a GIS JavaScript library for building 3D tile-based globes in the web browser.
Weather on Mars. Data from NASA's Curiosity rover.
find Mars-localized time data given an Earth timestamp
adapter of miniprogram
Package to return space data from nasa APIs
A script to land and operator the mars rover on a grid
API of geographical and astronomical display and navigation
Transform coordinate between earth(WGS-84) and mars in china(GCJ-02).