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Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Scripts for updating CloudFront distributions with new Lambda@Edge function versions
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge.
Serverless Framework Plugin to easily deploy Lambda@Edge functions to an existing CloudFront Distribution
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
serverless plugin for Lambda@Edge with aws-sdk
An AWS CDK construct that makes redirecting HTTP(S) requests to a different domain a breeze.
- AWS CDK Construct
- Route53
- CloudFront
- Lambda
- Lambda@Edge
- AWS CDK construct
- redirect
- redirection
- domains
- domain forwarding
- 301
serverless plugin for Lambda@Edge with aws-sdk
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
CDK Construct for creating wrapper Lambda@Edge functions for MediaPackage endpoints
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge
Provides handlers that can be used in CloudFront Lambda@Edge to deploy next.js applications to the edge