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A package of feature-rich Essential JS 2 components such as Button, CheckBox, RadioButton and Switch.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- ej2-buttons
- button
- ej2 button
- checkbox
- ej2 checkbox
- checkboxes
- radio button
- radiobutton
- radiobuttons
- ej2 radiobutton
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A complete package of date or time components with built-in features such as date formatting, inline editing, multiple (range) selection, range restriction, month and year selection, strict mode, and globalization.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- ej2-calendars
- web-components
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- calendar
- date
- culture
- month
- year
- decade
- timepicker
- stepranges
A package of feature-rich Essential JS 2 components such as DropDownButton, SplitButton, ProgressButton and ButtonGroup.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- ej2-splitbuttons
- ej2 splitbutton
- ej2 dropdownbutton
- ej2 buttongroup
- ej2 progress button
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- split button
- splitbutton
- dropdown
- dropdown button
- drop-down button
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Essential JS 2 FileManager Component
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- filemanager
- file organizer
- file organizing tool
- file picker
- file viewer
- file browser
- file selector
- directory viewer
Essential JS 2 TreeGrid Component
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- treelist
- tree-table
- tree-data
- treegrid
- table
- tree-grid-component
- tree-table-control
- hierarchy-table
- nested-grid
- treeview-grid
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Feature-rich JavaScript datagrid (datatable) control with built-in support for editing, filtering, grouping, paging, sorting, and exporting to Excel.
Essential JS 2 Gantt Component
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- gantt
- gantt-chart
- project-management
- project-planning
- task-scheduling
- timeline-chart
- project-tracking
- project-timeline
- resource-management
- task-management
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The pivot grid, or pivot table, is used to visualize large sets of relational data in a cross-tabular format, similar to an Excel pivot table.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- BI
- business-intelligence
- data
- db
- database
- json
- web-service
- relational
- excel
- csv
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Essential JS 2 QueryBuilder
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- query builder
- querybuilder
- query designer
- filter
- syncfusion filter
- javascript query builder
- typescript query builder
- syncfusion query builder
Flexible scheduling library with more built-in features and enhanced customization options similar to outlook and google calendar, allowing the users to plan and manage their appointments with efficient data-binding support.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- schedule
- scheduler
- events-calendar
- events-scheduler
- appointment-calendar
- appointments-planner
- resources-scheduler
Browser library to report errors to GCP
Essential JS 2 PDF viewer Component
Tiny JavaScript tokenizer.
ECMAScript spec abstract operations.
Feature-rich autocomplete component for Vue.js
- Vue
- Vue.js
- Autocomplete
- Suggest
- Suggestion
- Autosuggest
- aria-spec
- aria
- aria-attributes
- aria-autocomplete
- Search
- list
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Regular Expressions parser in JavaScript
Prisma is an open-source database toolkit. It includes a JavaScript/TypeScript ORM for Node.js, migrations and a modern GUI to view and edit the data in your database. You can use Prisma in new projects or add it to an existing one.
Prisma Client is an auto-generated, type-safe and modern JavaScript/TypeScript ORM for Node.js that's tailored to your data. Supports PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite & MongoDB databases.
Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in Templates. This is not a validator, it's just designed to allow you to have sections of JavaScript delimited by brackets robustly.
NativeScript wrapper of the popular IQKeyboardManager iOS library