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2319 packages found
Common JavaScript/TypeScript helper functions for better minification
Collection of JavaScript / TypeScript utilities
The dom helper library for zag.js machines
A set of commonly used JS functions
Tiled Utils for Pixi.js - usable with node.js with pixi-shim
A collection of single-function utilities for common tasks
Collection of generic ReactJS components and utils
A bunch of small utils functions that I use in my TS based projects
roc common javascript utils
Observer the size of an element over time
asr2js and js2asr converter android string resource utils
Focus visible polyfill utility based on WICG
A JavaScript library that provides useful general-purpose functionalities.
Opinionated shareable utils for different JavaScript/TypeScript projects.
po2js and js2po and i18next2po and po2i18next converter gettext resource utils
Recursively minify all JavaScript files