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IMA.js framework for isomorphic javascript application
IMA.js framework for isomorphic javascript application
IMA.js CLI tool to build, develop and work with IMA.js applications.
The plugin selects extra props from page state to your component.
IMA.js Plugin CLI tool to build, link, develop IMA.js plugins.
IMA.js UI React atoms
JavaScript stats library containing parallel distributed streaming algorithms to compute important frequently used statistics on big data. The library calculates commonly used univariate, multivariate and discrete statistics. It can be used alone in a webpage, or server-side in nodejs (or both since mss's can be merged), or within a big-data no-sql engines such as hadoop, mongodb.
- stats
- statistics
- analytics
- univariate
- multivariate
- discrete
- mean
- variance
- standard deviation
- unbiased
- constant time
- constant space
- fixed space
- efficient
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Plugin for @ima/cli that implements CSS class minimizer and uglifier that can be reverse-compiled at runtime.
A Lib to communicate with IMA and play ads.
Plugin for @ima/cli to enable sharing constants between LESS and JS source files.
The Plugin merkur
Plugin for @ima/cli adding analyze bundle functionality.
The plugin is trying to mitigate Self-XSS security attack by sending simple message into console
Generic http client for the IMA application framework.
IMA.js devtool script used in the @ima/devtools.
Automatic gulp task loader for IMA.js applications.
Plugin for @ima/cli adding additional legacy CSS bundle output.
The plugin is trying to mitigate Self-XSS security attack by sending simple message into console
Automatic gulp task loader for IMA.js applications.
The plugin selects extra props from page state to your component.